
Festival Summary

On May 26th and 27th, Saverne hosted the 18th Stone Festival. Here are summaries of these two exceptional days. Summary

2019-10-31T11:06:35+00:0011 October, 2018|News|


Come visit the ROCALIA show in Lyon during the 5th, 6th and 7th of December 2017 You will find all the information about the show on the site

2018-03-20T14:39:20+00:0010 November, 2017|News|

Brevet de Maitrise Européen Métiers de la Pierre.

European Master of Craft Tour Purpose The building crafts have not only created great testimonies of cultural heritage by building cathedrals, palaces and castles, but also modern buildings and other monuments which are an elementary potential of the identity of people all over the world. Valuable artistic principles and skills of craftsmanship plus the best [...]

2019-10-31T11:06:38+00:0018 August, 2016|News|

Conférence New fundamentals Architecture en pierre & stéréotomie au Lycée Le Corbusier Strasbourg-Illkirch – 1 juillet 2016

Madame, Monsieur, chère et cher sympathisant(e) d’EASMS, « European Association of Stone Masons » (E.A.S.M.S.) en collaboration avec ses nombreux partenaires européens dont l’Ecole polytechnique d’architecture de Bari sous l’autorité de Monsieur Giuseppe Fallacara a le plaisir de vous inviter à la journée de conférences du 1er juillet 2016 organisée au Lycée polyvalent Le Corbusier (Illkirch-Graffenstaden) [...]

2016-08-18T12:42:21+00:0010 June, 2016|News, Publications|
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